Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Get 1,000 Free Screen Views Of Your Website... ScreenSwarm

Get 1,000 Free Screen Views Of Your Website

How many hours would you say your computer stays on idle throughout the day?

What if you could get 1:1 exposure for every 20 seconds your computer stays on idle?

Well, Garland Coulson, the creator of the free traffic bar has recently created ScreenSwarm. It is described on the intro page as a screen saver that gives you traffic while you are away from pc.

I would describe it as an auto-surf program that starts automatically whenever your computer is idle for a few minutes.

Bottom line, its a great idea... It is Free to join and you get 1,000 free views of your sit on registration.

Go get the full details here... ScreenSwarm

Ian Bartley

Connect with me on FaceBook

1 comment:

cash_blogging said...

but if a blog has google adsense wont it get banned because of indecent clicking