Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Get More Traffic From The Search Engines

A simple system to help you get more traffic from the search Engines.

Think of three key phrases...

Three key phrases that someone would type into a search engine to find what your website is offering.

Submitting those phrases along with a few basic info like... your business name, your web site URL and a short text ad is all that is needed to create a SUPER search-engine bait like mine at Make Money With Twitter.

Your site will be automatically updated with real time content from recent blog posts and news regarding your business and the keywords you choose.

Because the website is updated regularly, the search engines keep coming back and the pages gets ranked very high for visitors searching for the exact content you have to offer!

YOUR text ad and a link to your website appears prominently at the top of the page, and that's where YOUR traffic comes from.

The system is Free to set up and you will be able to log in and make changes to your key phrases and links anytime you like.

For step by step instructions on how to get your page set up within the next 10 minutes click here.

Ian Bartley
UK 078 308 17172
Skype ID ianb33

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